Tag Archives: sister


Greetings everyone.

Well it’s now about the 21st century (as far as I’m aware) and the internet is pretty well established in our everyday lives. Whilst I enjoy most of the things the cyber-verse has offered me over the last few years, I can’t help feel but there is a distinct lack of me floating around in it. Apart from the pieces of my soul Google now holds of course.

In order to correct this imbalance, I felt the time was right to start blogging. Mostly because my sister had also started and there was no way I’m going to lose out on all of that internet fame to her… >:| I opened Word, went to make a cup of tea and now six years later I’m back, full of fresh ideas and more tea.

So I hope you like whatever I’m about to write about next, and if you don’t,  I would not worry because I’m probably not going to either…
